
1. the power or faculty of inventing, devising, or originating
2. an act or instance of creating or producing by exercise of the imagination, esp. in art, music, etc.
Everyone invents things. Everyone uses their imagination to create something no one else has before.
Sometimes it's hard to put what you create out into the universe. Who knows what people will think when they see it. It's easier to play it safe and keep it to yourself.
Okay, but think about it.
If everyone kept their ideas to themselves, where would we be right now? Absolutely nowhere.
Think of Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. (Funny movie). Everyone thought Flint's inventions were the stupidest things they had ever seen, but he still kept with it. And he had something great to offer, even if no one accepted it at first. If Flint kept all of that to himself because he thought it was stupid, that little sardine town would still be in sardine world and Flint would be working with his dad in the tackle shop. He was capable of so much more.
I am totally scared of putting my ideas out there. But then I have to realize that every good idea came from a stupid idea (in a way). Thomas Edison's inventions aren't all still around and used today. Mia Michaels' dances aren't all big hits. No one likes everyone of Miley's songs. But they are all extremely talented people who took the risk anyways.
We are all capable of inventing something amazing. We just need to be able to put ourselves out there, and grow from our ideas. Not everyone is going to like everything you do. But you'll never know what's amazing until you try.