Right now, I'm talking about my favorite subject. My current love. Rob Pattinson. Lately, I've been in this Rob Pattinson daze. I'm in love. I listen to his songs and I can't help but think "Rob Pattinson, how is it fair that you get to be this beautiful?". It's not. His songs are probably some of the most beautiful things I have ever heard in my life. Oh yeah, and he plays the guitar to them too. I tried to learn his song "Never Think" and I'm convinced it's impossible. I love how he is kind of awkward socially, but totally charming about it. Ya know? For some reason, I really like people like that. They have some weird, quirky habits that no one else has. But that is what makes them beautiful. So that would make Rob Pattinson f-ing gorgeous. Which he is. I am in love with him and I have no where to put all this love! Don't you hate loving something that is completely unaccessible? Let me explain. First, he's 22. I'm 14. That's kind of an age difference. Not that I really care, but he'd technically have to wait 4 years for me. And other people would freak. Like.... my Dad. Second, he lives in England where I may never go in my life. I live in small town Sandy, Utah, where HE will probably never go in his life. Third, he's gorgeous. And I could never compare to that. He played freaking EDWARD CULLEN, and only the most beautiful people can do that. Could I play a vampire? No. I could not. Fourth, there are people all over the world that may just be as in love with him as I am, so would he really take the time to listen to me? Would I stand out? Nope probably not. I'm just another adoring fan. And lastly, I'm pretty dang sure he has a girlfriend. An older, prettier one, most likely.
What do I do with all of this Rob Pattinson love??
Please look at that picture above. How can you not be in love with that?
I have convinced myself that I can only marry someone exactly like Rob Pattinson. Because he's perfect. How is it fair that he is that perfect?
It's not.
Till later:
With Love Love Love Love, Hannery Duff :)