Dec 6, 2008


I was thinking today about how much things have changed in my life. When I think back to when I was in elementary school, I can't remember a single worry I had. Those were simpler times. Except for in about sixth grade when I ran for SBO and I was really worried about what people were thinking of me. My self-esteem was so terrible that I didn't even vote for myself in that election. How sad is that? Anyway, I didn't worry about much then. But then the world kinda sinks in and you realize how much people will notice about you. It's not a child's world. There's normal and then there's not, and most people want to stick you somewhere in those two categories. I always catch myself trying to stick the people I know into a label, because that's the kind of world we've grown into. Why can't things just be simple? Why can't everyone scrape their knees and eat leaves off their trees because someone told you it was lettuce (true story)? I truly wish my life would get simple. I'm always worried about something, whether it's in the moment or if it's upcoming. I miss being able to do the things i used to do. Things get too complicated now.